He's already altered several of the proposals in his economic plan to accommodate demands of special interests. 他已经改动了经济计划中的几项提议以迁就特殊利益集团的要求。
The calls for reform come as intense debate continues among the leadership over the next five-year economic plan 领导层继续在为下一个五年经济计划激烈争论之际,有人发出了改革的呼声。
His economic plan, with its tax hikes and spending cuts, will slow the economy. 他通过采取上调税率和削减支出等经济计划,将会使经济发展放慢速度。
Senator Obama campaigned in a factory in the small town of Duryea, Pennsylvania, and promoted his economic plan, while trying to tie McCain to the economic problems during the Bush administration. 与此同时,奥巴马参议员在宾夕法尼亚州一个小镇的工厂进行竞选,推销他的经济政策,同时努力把麦凯恩同布什总统任内的经济问题联在一起。
President Obama expressed guarded confidence to business leaders gathered in Washington, as he promoted his economic plan. 奥巴马总统向这些齐聚在华盛顿的商界领袖宣传他的经济计划时表达了谨慎的信心。
One day after a speech to the nation on his economic plan, President Obama weighed in on the need to set new rules for America's ailing financial sector. 美国总统奥巴马指出,现在是全面整顿管理国家金融体系法规的时候了。奥巴马政府表示,尽管白宫希望加强监管,但没有将银行国有化的计划。
Karroubi has gained some notoriety among the four candidates for proposing a novel economic plan which would grant shares in Iran's oil wealth to all Iranian citizens. 卡鲁比因为提出一种新奇的经济计划而在四个竞选人中赢得一些名声。他的经济计划打算将伊朗的石油财富以股份形式分配给全体伊朗公民。
Mrs Truss said: As part of our long term economic plan, we are determined to drive up standards in our schools and give our young people the skills they need to succeed in the global race. Truss表示:作为我们长期经济计划的一部分,我们立志提高学校的教育水平让年轻人学到他们得以立足的技能。
But lets be clear, deficit reduction alone is not an economic plan. 但是我们要清醒地认识到,独立的赤字削减并不是一个经济方案。
Announcing the changes, Mr Cameron said: At the heart of our long-term economic plan for Britain is a simple idea-that those who put in, should get out, that hard work is really rewarded, that the benefits of recovery are truly national. 卡梅伦宣布这些变化时说道:英国长期经济发展计划的核心就是有付出就会有收获。努力工作会有所回报,全国所有人们都有权收益。
We are a nation that is growing stronger economically because of our long term economic plan. 英国的经济因为有了长远的规划得到了强有力的发展。
Our economic plan is also aimed at strengthening the middle-class. 我们的经济计划致力于巩固中产阶级的地位。
Two days before Mr Obama's speech, Mitt Romney, one of the two main Republican contenders, released what is so far the most detailed economic plan of any Republican candidate. 就在奥巴马陈词的两天之前,米特·罗姆尼&共和党两位主要竞选者之一,向所有共和党候选人公布了迄今为止最详细的一份经济计划。
Comprehensive planning should include, first, a plan for co-operatives, second, a plan for agricultural production and, third, an over-all economic plan. 全面规划应当包括:第一,合作社的规划;第二,农业生产的规划;第三,全部的经济规划。
Disturbance of the orderly functioning of the social economy or disruption of the state economic plan by any organization or individual is prohibited. 禁止任何组织或者个人扰乱社会经济秩序,破坏国家经济计划。
They need foreign investment but that is secondary to their main economic plan, which emphasises use of their own resources. 朝鲜需要外国投资,但这对其主要经济计划来说是次要的,该计划强调使用本国的资源。
Its position is also in line with the central government's own economic plan, which favours lifting domestic consumption to reduce reliance on exports for economic growth. 该智囊机构的新建议也符合中央政府自身的经济计划,该计划提倡拉动国内消费,以降低经济增长对出口的依赖程度。
One of its key priorities will be mapping out the next five year economic plan. 它的主要目的是制定下一个五年经济计划。
Tim Pawlenty, seen as one of the more serious candidates for the Republican nomination meaning somebody capable of discussing policy set out an economic plan, as he called it, that was stunning in its vapidity. 被认为本着较严肃态度参加共和党总统候选人提名战(也就是说,此人有能力讨论政策)的蒂姆波伦蒂(timpawlenty),制定了一项经济计划(他自己是这么叫的)。
Top Chinese policymakers have embraced the concept of "inclusive growth" in their economic plan, hoping to narrow the income gap in the next five years. 中国的最高决策者已经接受了“包容性增长”的经济计划的概念,希望在未来五年内能缩小收入差距。
He said all Americans, including Hispanics, will benefit from his economic plan to keep taxes low. 他说,包括拉美裔在内的所有美国人都将受益于他的保持低税率的经济计划。
You can not have a high standard of living with out economic plan. 没有经济规划就不会有高生活水准。
Now the US too needs a comprehensive economic plan to adjust and adapt, and to take its people along for the ride. 如今,美国也需要一套综合经济方案进行调整和适应,并让全体国民搭上顺风车。
They are going to crusade for the president's economic plan. 他们准备参加支持总统经济计划的运动。
Every year our country draws up an economic plan in order to establish a proper ratio between accumulation and consumption and achieve an equilibrium between production and needs. 我国每年作一次经济计划,安排积累和消费的适当比例,求得生产和需要之间的平衡。
Former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty unveiled his economic plan in Chicago, which includes cuts in both spending and taxes. 前明尼苏达州长蒂姆.普兰提在芝加哥公布了他的经济计划,其中包括削减开支和减税。
The Republican presidential candidate set out his economic plan in a speech this week in Pennsylvania. 这位共和党总统候选人本周在宾州的演讲中陈述了他的这个经济计划。
The result provides an method in working out the economic plan. 该结果对于计划的制定提供了一种方法。